Things you can do to maintain a clean home!

We all love coming home to a clean home every day but…who really wants to do the hard work? (well, we do actually!) Although, we know most people are not like us! Cleaning is our specialty but almost everyone has a lot more on their plate that comes before keeping their home clean. It can…

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Holiday Clean-up!

Cleaning up after the holidays can be quiet the task, especially if you are the chosen one to host the gatherings! Even after the helpful ones in the family gather the shreds of wrapping paper the little ones sprinkled around and hand wash your delicate dishware, there is still much more to do! Cleaning up…

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Mask 101

It seems logical, and it is:  all masks aren’t created equal. An ideal mask blocks both large respiratory droplets (from sneezing and coughing) and smaller aerosols (from exhaling and talking).  Here are two simple tests to see if your mask offers at least some protection.  Hold your mask up to a bright light. If you can…

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A 30 Minute Meal Your Family Will Love!

Our lives have become saturated with ‘busy’. It’s hard to find time to even cook a healthy meal on a regular basis, let alone once a week. Fast food is quick and convenient, but not always the best choice. Whether you are working late, stuck in traffic, or picking up the kids from their after…

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How to maintain Holiday spirit this year!

As we all know, this year was far from expected. I know when I was bringing in the New Year, this was not what I was toasting to! The Holidays have turned from gathering around the living room with friends and family laughing over holiday memories to spiked eggnog on the couch in your holiday…

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Clean for Your Health this Fall

A deep fall cleaning is a great way to prepare your home for a long winter. Just like a spring cleaning opens up your home following the cold, frigid temperatures, a fall cleaning is really your last opportunity to clear your home’s air before being shut tight again. Not only does a fall cleaning get to those areas you’ve…

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Why You Should Hire a National Cleaning Service

Even though everyone loves to come home to freshly vacuumed floors, clean, wiped countertops and disinfected, sweet-smelling bathrooms, some homeowners are still leery about hiring someone to do it. Questions can arise when you’re considering hiring a cleaning service like, “Can I trust whose in my home?” and “What if something gets broken?” When you…

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Why We All Need a Little Self-Care

Self-care is taking care of your physical and mental health; making you a priority. And while you may ask yourself, “Don’t I already do that?” You probably don’t. We’re so consumed by daily stress that most of us probably don’t recognize just how little care we give ourselves. According to Psychology Today, self-care starts by knowing your limits,…

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Our Most Popular Housecleaning Services

Before we attempt to do something new, most of us ask a friend who’s been there, done that. We get advice on vacations, vehicles and home services, like housecleaning services. When you’re curious about trying a new service, you want to see how others are using it. For example, is your neighbor scheduling a deep clean every season? Or, do…

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20 Amazing Uses for Mr. Clean’s Magic Erasers

The amazing clean you get when you use Mr. Clean’s Magic Erasers isn’t smoke and mirrors. These little sponges remove the toughest, most stubborn dirt and grime with no extra cleaners. Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser is made with Durafoam, a melamine polymer. Originally used for insulation and soundproofing, when activated with water, this abrasive foam penetrates surface grooves virtually anywhere grime is trapped to remove built-up soap scum, grease, and dirt. The…

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